Palestine Israel Network

Justice is Love in Action

To whom do we listen? Voices from Oregon on Divestment

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November 17, 2014

The Diocese of Oregon considered and passed this resolution on divestment at their diocesan convention the weekend of 14 November 2014:

Resolution IV: Substitute Resolution in Support of Palestinian Human Rights

RESOLVED, that the Diocese of Oregon reaffirm its call first issued at the 123rd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon to its churches and church members to study both Steadfast Hope: The Palestinian Quest for Just Peace (Israel/Palestine Mission Network, 2014), and A Moment of Truth: A Word of Faith, Hope, and Love from the Heart of Palestinian Suffering (Kairos Palestine, 2009), often referred to as the Kairos Palestine Document, and to heed its call for solidarity with the Palestinian people; and be it further

RESOLVED, that the 126th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon direct its Committee on Socially Responsible Investing to study the implementation of divestment from companies profiting from the military occupation of the Palestinian Territories by the State of Israel, specifically Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard (HP), Motorola Solutions, Group 4 Securicor (G4S), Veolia, and SodaStream, and report its findings to the 127th Diocesan Convention; and be it further

RESOLVED, that all members and congregations of the Diocese be encouraged to divest from companies profiting from the military occupation of the Palestinian Territories by the State of Israel, specifically those companies stated above.


We share some testimony:

My name is Lisa Westarp. I am a member of Grace Memorial Episcopal Church in Portland, Oregon.

Last year I traveled to Palestine. I lived with a Palestinian Christian family in Bethlehem under the crushing Israeli military occupation. I witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of family life lived under threat of losing home, land, water, livelihood, ability to travel within and without the West Bank, and even the threat of losing one’s own children – to Israeli military violence committed in service of Israeli territorial expansion.

These are the indigenous Christians who are suffering!

I was shocked and saddened, even more so when I learned that American economic and military interests support and profit from this escalating humanitarian tragedy.

It is because of the people that I met – Christians and Muslims and Jews, who reached out to us in love and hope and the call to recognize our common humanity – that I stand before you today.

I call on us all to remember the sacredness of all humanity.

I call on the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon to seek and serve justice for all people.

I call on the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon to divest from any complicity in the suffering of Palestinians and Israelis alike.

I call on the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon to make the small, but significant gesture of studying the possibility of refusing to invest in six select corporations that profit from the military occupation of Palestine.

Divestment is a peaceful, time-honored, effective way to pressure governments and societies to act for the common good.

If not us, who? If not now, when?





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