Palestine Israel Network

Justice is Love in Action

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Palestine/Israel Network (PIN)?

EPF/PIN is a growing network of Episcopalians, mindful of the promises contained in their baptismal covenant and committed to peace and justice in Palestine/Israel, who wish to take specific advocacy steps they hope will contribute to a just peace in the region.

What is the Episcopal Peace Fellowship (EPF)?

EPF is a national organization connecting Episcopalians who seek a deliberate response to injustice and violence and want to pray, study and take action for justice and peace in our communities, our church, and the world. We are called to do justice, dismantle violence, and strive to become peacemakers. For more detailed information on the many things EPF does, visit its website

What is asked of EPF/PIN members?

EPF/PIN members are asked to commit themselves to active engagement in education, support and advocacy for a just peace in Palestine and Israel and to partner with other faith communities and secular groups who share PIN’s purpose. What form each of these takes will differ with each person and their context.

How Can I Support EPF/PIN?

We welcome everyone who is called by our Mission Statement to join our efforts to seek just peace in Palestine and Israel. The work we do in education, advocacy within the Episcopal Church, and supporting allies and friends is accomplished by a part-time staff person and our dedicated team of volunteers. Their work is made possible by the financial gifts of our supporters. We receive no financial assistance from the Episcopal Church, so we are indeed completely reliant on donor generosity.  Follow the GIVE button in the banner at the top of the page to make a one-time contribution or to set up recurring donations. All gifts have an impact, are warmly appreciated, and are considered as charitable giving. Please join us, we welcome your support!
Palestine Israel Network | Copyright © 2025 All Rights Reserved
2045 West Grand Ave, Suite B #40058, Chicago, IL 60612-1577
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