2015 Actions in Dioceses on Palestine Israel: Delaware, Maine, Pittsburgh and San Diego
The Episcopal Diocese of Delaware held its diocesan convention in January 2016 and passed this resolution to be implemented by Delaware Episcopalians for Middle East Peace. Thanks to EPF PIN member Bill Lane for sharing it.
TITLE: Education for Middle East Peace and Restorative Justice
RESOLVED, that the 231st Diocesan Convention call upon invite and encourage Episcopal churches and schools in the Diocese of Delaware to undertake a period of education and conversation in 2016 to assist Delaware Episcopalians in understanding the Palestinian/Israeli Conflict and the associated issues of human rights, restorative justice, humanitarian concerns, and security,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Delaware Episcopalians for Middle East Peace (DEMEP) provide a bibliography of educational materials such as written materials and videos, including those that offer perspectives not always found in the mainstream media that include the voices of Palestinians, Jews, Christians and Muslims, and that DEMEP make itself available for consultation, facilitation and support of individual congregations and schools in their education efforts,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that DEMEP report back to the 232nd Diocesan Convention on the information and materials provided and the education and conversation efforts undertaken by the churches and schools in the Diocese of Delaware in 2016.
The Episcopal Church has long supported a just and peaceful resolution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The 78th General Convention enacted B013, which reaffirms the vocation of the Church as an agent of reconciliation and restorative justice and the goal of a sustainable, long-lasting peace. B013 further expresses the importance of Episcopalians learning about and understanding the traumas, hurt, suffering, fears, pain, aspirations and hopes that shape the daily lives of all living in Israel and the Palestinian Territories.
Delaware Episcopalians for Middle East Peace is affiliating with the Palestine Israel Network of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship.
The Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh held its diocesan convention in November 2015 and passed this resolution - unanimously - on Palestine/Israel. Thanks to EPF PIN member Nancy Lapp for sharing it.
Resolution Concerning Justice, Peace and Security in the Holy Land
Be it resolved, that the 150th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh reaffirm the vocation of the Church as an agent of reconciliation and restorative justice, and recognize that meaningful reconciliation can help to engender sustainable, long-lasting peace and that such reconciliation must incorporate both political action and locally driven grassroots efforts; and be it
Further resolved, that the Convention express its solidarity with and support for Christians in Israel and the Occupied Territories; and be it
Further resolved, that the Convention affirm the work of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem in healing, education, and pastoral care; and be it
Further resolved, that the Convention affirm the work of Christians engaged in relationship building, interfaith dialogue, non-violence training, and advocacy for the rights of Palestinians; and be it
Further resolved, that the Convention urge Episcopalians to demonstrate our solidarity by making pilgrimage with our fellow Christians in the region to Israel and the Occupied Territories; and be it
Further resolved, that the Diocese assist Episcopalians to learn about and understand the traumas, hurt, suffering, fears, pain, aspirations, and hopes that shape the daily lives of all living in Israel and the Palestinian Territories.
We are reaffirming the actions of the 78th General Convention, July 2015, in passing resolutions B013 and C018.
The Episcopal Diocese of Maine passed these resolutions on Palestine Israel at its convention in October 2015. Thanks to EPF PIN member Maurine Tobin and colleagues for providing the information.
RE: Encouraging Peace through Diplomacy
SUBMITTED BY: Episcopal Peace Fellowship - Maine Chapter
RESOLVED, that this Convention, in a spirit consistent with General Convention Resolution B013, commends our United States Government for its diligent pursuit of normalization of relations with Cuba, the nuclear agreement with Iran, and peace between Israelis and Palestinians. And be it further
RESOLVED, that this Convention acknowledges that there continue to be in the Middle East conflicts which bring instability, suffering and destruction to our fellow human beings, conflicts which cry out for vigorous action to bring them to an end. And be it further
RESOLVED, that this Convention calls upon the President and his Cabinet for concentrated efforts toward negotiated ends to the several conflicts in the Middle East, and urges the clergy and laity of the Diocese of Maine, and our fellow citizens, to encourage strongly our Members of Congress to advocate with the President and his Cabinet for such efforts. And be it further
RESOLVED, that this Convention makes a particular appeal for our parishioners’ active support for renewed and intensified efforts by our US Government toward a negotiated Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement which will confirm the right of both peoples to security, self-determination, and full equality of rights and opportunities in whatever State or States may emerge in the Holy Land that they share. And be it further
RESOLVED, that upon adoption, this Resolution be implemented by its dissemination to all parishes and Diocesan bodies through the Diocese’s usual channels, as well as by the volunteer efforts of members of the Episcopal Peace Fellowship—Maine (EPF-ME) in seeing to its dispatch, under appropriate cover, to the President, the Secretary of State, the Maine Congressional Delegation, and other appropriate audiences. Within the limits of available resources, EPF-ME or other recognized Diocesan bodies concerned with social justice may also assist parishes and their members with such matters as background information, means of effective communication, and publicizing instances of advocacy pursuant to the Resolution. No significant financial cost is anticipated.
The Middle East is a region beset by violence and instability. Its problems are at bottom political, if with profound moral dimensions. Willingness to compromise is in short supply in all of the disputes; strong outside intervention on behalf of negotiated peace is called for. Our Government, in addressing Cuba and Iran as well as Israel/Palestine, has recently demonstrated a willingness and capacity to take on the challenges that difficult international affairs present. For our Government to continue to be willing to do what is needed in this area, public support is essential.
The Church has a role in building that support, especially given that we have a well-established tradition of concern for, and charitable aid to, Christians and others in the Middle East. In adopting Resolution B013 this past July, our General Convention has made a useful contribution. The resolution proposed here is less extensive, and differs in some significant respects. What the two resolutions have in common is purpose: Encouragement of additional US diplomatic efforts, in conjunction with international partners, to bring peace and stability to the Middle East and, in particular, to end in Israel/Palestine the military occupation of one people by the other, a dynamic which over time has bred callousness, distrust and moral as well as physical destruction on both sides.
From the time of the 2013 Gaza war, and the regrettable termination of Secretary Kerry’s 2014 efforts toward a negotiated Israeli-Palestinian settlement, there has been a clear deterioration, and diminishment of the chances for lasting peace. This negative trend needs to be arrested before matters get beyond redemption. Our Government’s leadership is crucial to saving this and other situations in the Middle East. The Church can and should do what it can to encourage our political leaders in the right direction. This Resolution offers our Diocese an opportunity to go on record as affirming the appropriateness of the diplomatic path, and offering an example of what others might usefully do.
Implementation of this Resolution can be accomplished with minimal cost and inconvenience. Distribution within the Diocese would be thru standard post-Convention channels. The proposer of the Resolution will ensure its delivery to the President and other relevant addressees. He will also provide as needed or requested such materials as cover letters, sample communications to Government officials, or other assistance interested parishes or individuals may ask for.
RE: Interfaith Educational Initiative on the Middle East Conflict
SUBMITTED BY: Episcopal Peace Fellowship of Maine
RESOLVED, that the Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine affirm Resolutions B013 and C018
adopted at the 78th General Convention (GC); and be it further
RESOLVED, that in support of GC Resolution B013, congregations in the Episcopal Diocese of Maine,
commit themselves to “learn about and understand the traumas, hurt, suffering, fears, pain, aspirations,
and hopes that shape the daily lives of all living in Israel and the Palestinian Territories” using materials
and speakers provided to congregations by the Episcopal Peace Fellowship of Maine or co-sponsored
by EPF and interfaith partners and announced in The Dio Log; and be it further
RESOLVED, that in support of GC Resolution C018, this Convention by letter to the Episcopal Diocese
of Jerusalem “affirm the work of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem in healing, education, and pastoral
care” as well as affirm “the work of Christians engaged in relationship building, interfaith dialogue,
non-violence training, and advocacy for the rights of Palestinians”; and be it further
RESOLVED, that in support of GC Resolution C018, laity and clergy of the Diocese be encouraged to make pilgrimage to Israel and the Occupied Territories to learn from our fellow Christians in the region, by participating in trips sponsored by Christian and interfaith groups or organized by the Episcopal
Peace Fellowship of Maine, so that they may gain direct access and witness to the conflict and share their observations and experiences upon return.
By affirming and helping to realize resolutions adopted on the national church level, we in the Diocese of Maine accept the call to become more knowledgeable about and more involved with a conflict geographically far removed from parochial concerns but one calling us into the compassionate heart of Christ. In the face of continuous and grievous suffering in that part of the world where Jesus once walked, we cannot remain remote and passive observers. Greater awareness and understanding is the first responsibility we have as Christians as well as citizens politically implicated in a conflict resonating throughout the world. Opportunities to facilitate understanding would include diocesan-wide lectures by experts in the field, teleconferences, study guides, book discussion groups and ready access to audiovisual materials, all of which would aim to increase awareness of the present-day reality in which our Israeli and Palestinian brothers, sisters, and children live.
Description of B013 and C018 adopted by General Convention in July 2015
B013 Peacemaking Through Political Action
Directs The Episcopal Church to
(1) convene a collaborative group of experts and interfaith partners to collect a wide range of resources designed to inform and enliven a conversation among those holding differing convictions;
(2) encourage early travel of the 27th Presiding Bishop to the Holy Land, in the spirit of interfaith fellowship, to establish and build relationships with leaders of the communities of the Children of Abraham working for peace, justice, and reconciliation; and (3) continue its commendable efforts to assist Episcopalians to learn about and understand the traumas, hurt, suffering, fears, pain, aspirations, and hopes that shape the daily lives of all living in Israel and the Palestinian Territories
C018 Pursue Justice, Peace and Security in the Holy Land
Urges Episcopalians to demonstrate our solidarity by making pilgrimage to Israel and the Occupied Territories and learning from our fellow Christians in the region and requests that The Episcopal Church produce a video and study guide based on the experiences and learnings of pilgrims to the region and Christians living in the region, to be distributed to the Episcopal Church.
Finally, the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego passed this resolution at its convention in November 2015:
Resolved that the 42nd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego strongly recommends the bishop encourage each congregation to undertake study and offer education for a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding the Middle East peace.
Explanation of Resolution: Awareness of the situation in the Middle East is necessary if we are to contribute conversation and action in support of peace in that region. This resolution simply asks that we make this topic a priority in our diocesan life.