Palestine Israel Network

Justice is Love in Action

A Report from EPF PIN's Education Working Group

Posted by:
Donna Hicks
January 5, 2022

There are few situations in the world as surrounded by misunderstanding and confused by half-truths as that of the state of Israel and and the indigenous people of the traditional Palestinian homeland. It is at the heart of today's Holy Land, which makes it important for followers of Jesus. This is the reason for and the driving force behind the work of the education working group of EPF's Palestine Israel Network.

It is not difficult to discern the reasons for the confusion and widely held false beliefs. Indeed, even the commonly used description, "the Israeli-Palestinian conflict" is a misnomer. For the story of today's Holy Land is not one of conflict in the usual sense; it is one of a disproportionately powerful state entity using military occupation and colonization to acquire the lands of an impoverished, dispossessed, stateless people without diplomatic recourse. It is in short settler-colonialism. The common misunderstandings - that this is a religious dispute or a matter of terrorism or a diplomatic "disagreement" - are aided immeasurably by media bias. Bias in favor of Israel in newspaper reporting has been objectively demonstrated. The same biases have been reported even in an academic medical journal, and the recent book, "Mythologies Without End", whose title says it all, exposes in depth the various reasons behind this massive deception: geopolitical, religious, personal partisanship, and not least, influence of the extremely lucrative weapon and militarization industries.

Against this daunting background, the PIN education working group strives to find creative ways to help members of the church better understand conditions in Palestine and Israel. Probably the best way to understand the truth about what is happening in Palestine is to Go and See. But unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic has stymied travel opportunities. The PIN education group took the opportunity to create new travel resources for the time when pilgrimages and tourism can begin again. The new travel page of our website found here and hard-copy brochures available on request are full of suggestions and resources to help travelers enjoy responsible and conscientious visits to the Holy Land. And in the meantime, the group also curates a list of films and books that bring the story of Palestine to members of the church in easily accessible ways.

Much of the education group's effort in 2021 was directed toward preparation for General Convention in July. We helped our PIN local organizing working group develop resources for bishops and deputies who will consider resolutions about Palestine/Israel that come before the Convention. And we are eager to welcome visitors to the exhibit hall booth where we will feature videos, digital educational materials, and "brown-bag lunches" to inform and educate those who stop by.

One of the new products we developed in 2021 is part of our new emphasis on highlighting the culture of Palestine and Palestinians. We will be continuing to develop this theme throughout 2022. Our first product offers recipes of some of the best Palestinian food dishes along with an educational component. Our goal in these cultural endeavors is to introduce members of the church to the ancient, rich, varied culture of a people who are often misrepresented by the media or more commonly not represented at all. We hope to help fill some of that gap in our activities during 2022.

The education group realizes that education is much more than recipe cards, brochures, and videos. We take "education" to be part of our mission in carrying out our baptismal covenant and faithfully following Jesus' ministry. Importantly, we try to always look to and follow the guidance of our Palestinian brothers and sisters. We are constantly inspired and motivated by their continuing to resist, refusing to submit, and unceasingly pursuing justice.

If you would like to learn more about the work of PIN and the education group, or if you would like to join us, send an email to


Thanks to EPF PIN member Harry Gunkel for this report.


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